We are currently located at:

Community of Christ Church in Kirkwood
830 Kirkwood Rd  Kirkwood, MO 63122

Directions from I-64 (US 40)

From I-64, take the Lindbergh Blvd exit (Exit 28) and turn south onto Lindbergh Blvd. Lindbergh Blvd. becomes Kirkwood Road. After traveling approx 2.3 mi, Community of Christ Church is on the left at the corner of Swan Ave and Kirkwood Rd, turn left on to Swan to enter the parking lot

Directions from I-44

From I-44, take the Lindbergh Blvd. exit (Exit 277) and turn north onto Lindbergh Blvd. Lindbergh Blvd. becomes Kirkwood Road. After traveling north approximately 2.5 miles,Community of Christ Church is on the right. Turn right onto Swan Ave to enter the parking lot.  

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