The chapter’s most frequent retreat format is a weekend beginning on Friday afternoon and ending after lunch on Sunday. Retreat facilities usually are at the Marianist Retreat & Conference Center in Eureka, Mo. The retreats provide Centering Prayer practitioners an opportunity to deepen their practice and relationship with God by an immersion in contemplative praying apart from ordinary life. Each retreat includes extended periods of daily Centering Prayer balanced with one-to-one “soul friending,” silence and solitude. Some may offer conference presentations, videos and small group processing including 12-step meetings.
Other longer retreats of 5, 8 or 10 days, known as Intensive or Post-Intensive retreats, introduce many more periods of daily prayer and total silence (even at meals.) These retreats have a prerequisite of an established daily practice of Centering Prayer and attendance at a shorter retreat. We try to accommodate all requests for special dietary or accessibility needs. Retreat leaders and staff are trained to facilitate and guide participants in these unique spiritual experiences.