Join Dwight Bitikofer for Poetry, Centering Prayer and Journaling
Start the New Year with Meditative Musings
Contemplative Outreach “Soul Trekkers” invite you to a meditative musing experience. Explore the art of meditation through guided sessions intertwined with poetry. Find stillness within as verses echo in the quiet spaces of your mind. Dwight Bitikofer will help guide us on this trek into a deeper Centering Prayer meditation experience.
- Dwight will open with a few remarks about poetry and centering prayer. We will explore a couple of poems that may enhance our sit.
- Then the four guidelines of Centering Prayer will be reviewed and lead into a 20 minute sit.
- Following the meditation, we will free-write for a bit. Please bring a notebook and pen. Next, we will use an idea or two from our individual writing to create poems. There will be an optional sharing time for our creations.
- We follow that with a poetry writing exercise, stimulated by something from within the free write or perhaps some direction emanating from one’s sacred word.
- Then there will be an opportunity for participants to share what they have created. And conclude with any questions or comments about your experience.
Please bring a pen and notebook.
For more information: Dwight Bitikofer – 314-229-9537 or cpsoultrekkers@gm
Please gather and register at 1:15
Experience begins: 1:30 p.m – 3:30 p.m.
There will be a light snack, coffee, tea and water available.
Community of Christ Church
Kirkwood Congregation
830 N Kirkwood Rd
Kirkwood MO 63122
Use the south side lower level entrance near the back parking lot. Follow the signs. The event will be in the Thompson Room.
Suggested donation $10 or if you are able, please join us at the Supporter level with a donation of your choice. This is purely a suggestion – this fee is not meant as a barrier to attendance. All are welcome.
To Register see below:
Registration is requested by January 2nd, 2024. Space is limited.
Please complete the form below and pay with PayPal or send your check to: COSTL C/O Grace Episcopal Church, 514 East Argonne Dr., Kirkwood, MO 63122.
About Dwight Bitikofer
Dwight Bitikofer has been active in St. Louis poetry circles for two decades. For a number of years he frequented open mic circles and curated several monthly poetry events. He has taken poetry classes at the University of Iowa Summer Writing Festival. Dwight has published two chapbooks of his own poetry. He enjoys giving readings. With a jazz musician friend, they have performed “pojazz” together. He is also a board member and past president of St. Louis Poetry Center.
Dwight is a long-time member of Al-Anon. His centering prayer practice began just over five years ago. He is still practicing.
For more information about the Soul Trekkers CLICK HERE or contact Susie Brent, 314-852-4719,
Join Soul Trekkers on first Saturdays as we explore centering prayer with:
- November 4 – Walking in the Woods with Colleen Baum
- December 2 – Crystal bowls sound bath with Missy
- January 6 – Poetry with Dwight Bitikofer
- March 2 – Classical Piano with Daniel Schene
Suggested donation amount is $10 and may be paid when registering.
To make a payment or donation, please click the (Buy Now) button BELOW and enter the amount of your donation. Thank you.